Air Sloop Board Game

An innovative pick up and deliver game set in a steampunk world

Kickstarter coming early 2022. Sign up here to be the first to know.

Air Sloop Steampunk Airship Hanging Garden Design

Captain Your Own Airship

Choose from one of six unique airships illustrated by James Ng, a freelance illustrator and concept artist born in Hong Kong. Read more about James.

Highly Replayable Board Game

Highly Replayable

The game is easy enough for beginners yet offers high re-playability for even the most seasoned gamers.

Dr Dave Eng Independent Game Designer

Designed by Dr. Dave Eng

Dave has played games for most of his life. He studies game design, teaches how to use games for education, and designs hobbyist games. Read more about Dave.

Dr Dave Eng Independent Game Designer

Dr. Dave Eng, Game Designer

Dave is an intellectual and creative educator, designer, and researcher who combines games, theory, and technology. Dave has played games for most of his life. As a result he studies game design and teaches others how to use games for education and learning.

Dave hosts the podcast Experience Points and consults at University XP on games-based learning. He also leads the Games-Based Learning Alliance: a community of individuals who use games for teaching, training, learning, and development.

Fun Fact: He has been seasick in every time zone.


James Ng Air Sloop Illustrator

James Ng, Illustrator

James is a freelance illustrator and concept artist born in Hong Kong. He has lived abroad in Vancouver, Chicago and New York. The mixture of Eastern and Western cultures has had a huge influence on his artwork.

James is mostly known for Imperial Steam & Light, his Chinese Steampunk art series, but he also has a wide range of styles that extend into fantasy, sci-fi, comic narratives and advertising.

While he takes on various freelance work, he is also working on a comic book based in the Imperial Steam & Light world. Feel free to connect with him on social media for the latest updates on his projects.

Instagram: @Jamesngart