Dave shares how the Tesseray Games connection was made and why he decided not to self-publish Air Sloop.
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I got caught up in the table top resurgence. I liked playing them; but I had my doubts about ALSO designing them. Could I design table top games? Years (and lots of failures later) I got into it. While I could wrap my head around the process of designing games; iterating them; and making them better; more relatable and impactful for players, I didn’t really want to get into the realm of publishing.
Publishing games requires its own set of skills, connections, and a seemingly never-ending supply of patience. When I met Nicole Fende through a mastermind group organized by Heather Newton I was immediately intrigued by the possibility of designing games WITHOUT having to invest time, patience, and resources into getting it published. Nicole and I met; shared our expectations; and after some debate and discussions we signed our agreement.
Air Sloop and Tesseray Games sauntered down the table top game publishing path together!

About The Designer
Fun Fact: Dave has been seasick in every time zone.
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